Important Note: Both the Taker and the Maker will receive all updates through the JSON-RPCoverWebSockets Notification channels for events relating to OBs, Quotes, Orders and Trades.

A user is only a Maker where their Quote is executed upon by an Order. A user is only a Taker if they submit an Order which crosses an existing Quote.

Create/Check for OB

If you would like to create an OB or check if one exists, you should request the RESToverHTTP [POST] /rfqs/ endpoint.

Pull available Quotes on an OB

Each OB is composed of Quotes. Quotes are NOT aggregated by Price levels as is usual in centralized Quote Book.

Makers submit Quotes on OBs and Paradigm returns them individually to all users as children of the OB primarily because of workflow complications relating to some venues’ “Block Size Minimum” rules.

You should request the RESToverHTTP [GET] /quotes/ endpoint.

Submit a non-crossing Quote on an OB

Users are NOT able to submit Quotes which cross an existing resting Quote on an RFQ.

You should request the RESToverHTTP [POST] /rfqs/{rfq_id}/quotes/ endpoint.

Submit a crossing Quote/execute upon a Quote

Users are able to submit a Quote which crosses an existing Quote on an OB.

You should request the RESToverHTTP [POST] /rfqs/{rfq_id}/quotes/.

Replace an existing Quote on an OB

Users are able to replace a previously submitted Quote for an existing OB.

You should request the RESToverHTTP [PUT] /rfqs/{rfq_id}/quotes/{quote_id} endpoint.

Cancel a requested Order on an OB

Takers are not able to cancel a requested Order. You will receive a successful/erroneous response from the RESToverHTTP [POST] /rfqs/{rfq_id}/orders/ request with information regarding the outcome.

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