API Flows

VRFQ Created

  1. Subscribed to rfq WS Channel.
  2. Receives WS message with kind == ADDED, status == ACTIVE.

VRFQ Expires

  1. Subscribed to rfq WS Channel.
  2. Receives a WS message with kind == REMOVED, status == EXPIRED.

Quote Created

  1. Subscribed to the quote WS Channel.
  2. Maker sends request to create a Quote
  3. Once quote is created, Maker will asynchronously receive a WS messages on quote WS Channel with kind == NEW and status == OPEN.

Quote Canceled

  1. Subscribed to the quote WS Channel.
  2. Maker sends request to cancel a Quote
  3. Once quote is canceled, Maker will asynchronously receive a WS messages on quote WS Channel with kind == CANCELED and status == CLOSED.

Matched Quote and Order

  1. Subscribed to quote and trade WS Channels.
  2. Asynchronously the Maker receives a WS message on quote WS Channel with kind == PENDING_FILL and status == CLOSED.
  3. Trade is executed:
  • If Trade execution is successful at clearing & settlement:
    • Asynchronously the Maker receives a WS message on trade WS channel with kind == COMPLETED and status == COMPLETED.
    • Asynchronously the Maker receives a WS message on quote WS channel with kind == FILLED and status == CLOSED.
  • If Trade execution is rejected at clearing & settlement:
    • Asynchronously the Maker receives WS messages on trade WS channel with kind == REJECTION and status == REJECTED.
    • Asynchronously the Maker receives WS messages on quote WS channel with kind == CANCELED and status == CLOSED.
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