

Paradigm offers both test and production environments. Our servers are based in AWS eu-west-2. Please ensure that Paradigm IPs have been added to your Settlement Venue API Credentials’ IP whitelist.

If you’d like to use our test environments, please reach out to your account management representative or our Client Services team on Telegram with the following information:

  • A unique email address for the Paradigm’s test environment
  • First and Last Name
  • The “Firm” name you would like the desk associated with (if you know)

We currently do not have any limits to how many test environment accounts to provision per customer.

Generating a Paradigm API Key

Before accessing any API or WebSocket endpoints, you must generate the necessary Paradigm API credentials. This can be accomplished via the Paradigm Admin Dashboard.

Use the same Paradigm API <access-key> & <secret-key> to authenticate requests for all Paradigm products.

Once Created

When you have generated Paradigm API credentials, you will be presented with two keys:

  1. Access Key: used to authenticate the API.
  2. Secret Key: used to sign requests against the API.

Be sure to save these two keys somewhere secure as both the Access Key and the Secret Key will only be visible once during creation.

If you lose either the <access-key> or the <secret-key>, you will need to generate a new Paradigm API Key via the Admin Dashboard.


  • You CANNOT create RFQs against yourself on Paradigm.
  • You CANNOT cross Orders against yourself on Paradigm.
  • You CANNOT trade against yourself on Paradigm.
  • All instruments on Paradigm are the same instruments you trade on the underlying settlement venue. As such, this means that all instruments traded on Paradigm must conform to the contract specifications of the underlying settlement venue.
  • You will need to use multiple desks associated with different settlement venue sub-accounts if you wish to trade against yourself on Paradigm. You cannot use the same venue sub-account’s venue API Credentials to trade against one’s self even if using separate Paradigm desks.
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